Steve Brown was born in Monroe in 1947. His parents lived in Madison, and moved to Monroe after his father returned from service in World War II. Steve spent his childhood on Glen Iris Drive. His mother worked as a utility seamstress for the Felker Cotton Mill and his father was the local butcher. Before he graduated from Monroe Area High School, he remembers taking dates to the Snack Shack, going to dances at the Nowell Recreation Center on Friday nights (you had to bring your own record) and seeing picture shows at the Troy Theater before it burned in 1967. He commuted to UGA from Monroe where he worked two jobs – sacking groceries at the Big Apple Supermarket on Friday and Saturday nights and working for a contractor during the week. After college, he married his high school sweetheart, Susan; spent time in the National Guard; returned to UGA for his masters degree and eventually took a teaching position and numerous coaching positions in Lilburn until he retired 29 years later. In 2002, Steve and Susan returned to Monroe to live in Susan’s mother’s home in Pollock subdivision. He serves on the board of the Historical Society of Walton County, is a member of the Tree Committee for the city, and a co-founder and Vice Chairman of the Board of the Monroe Museum.